graham watts

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a panromantic walks into a bar
as a resurgence of cat calls and “how-do-you-do”s
litter the air with liquored words

lips of poison wrought of wisdom
attempt assassination on a distraught observer
one whose appearance is that of disheveled,
one whose figure is ominously fizzing

you sip me like your knock off martini
and i flutter through your system
as if i am a defendant
and the jury is understanding

in a court of law, i am courted by all
i sift through masks depending on the ball
as i sift your words to decipher your appall

how can love not equate to sex?
how can psychopathy be so benevolent?
how can sexuality become so complicated?
how will you love without it?

space lodgers echo through the hollowness of bottles and shelves
as the candescent spins of once silent visitors
leech the neighboring world
of utter conscientiousness

and in the moments of this drunken downpour
my weathered mind embarks on a walk
and as the other Earthlings continue to drown
i recognize my reflection
has stopped coming around

i play into the expectations held over me from my childhood
the heteronormative narrative such a slim role to be cast,
so i set my net to fish in the past

and as i skin the bounty of fish that I catch
i skin my actions and find a desolation
one overcome of acidic rain
that seeps through the scalp
and erodes the brain

with my brain on fire, i can never retire
so i sit in wee hours and conspire against liars

in the string theory of my perception
i find it all points back to my obsession

my apathy is merely emotion unmerited
and my true self has always been warranted
and up until now,
i wanted to ignore it