Translucent Thoughts / Silk Emotions

My thoughts are translucent
They have a life of their own
And I’m learning it’s best to leave them alone

My emotions are silk
Wrapping me in still
And it’s the security of a newborn
And the fear of an asylum
And I’m learning it’s best to avoid the silence

These entities are mine but then again who am I?
And what is possession without control?
And what is control but a world of war?

I’ll think beyond the translucence
And feel beyond the silk
And I’ll recognize in violence my most powerful skill
You’ll shoot your careless words with the most precision,
Hoping that the focus softens their collision

Still, it is I,
A hologram spiraling by
A kiss you could’ve hit,
My lips were once met
By your love,
Then by your bullet
It’s too late for you to know it

But I’m learning it’s best to leave it alone

The thought of a love that I could’ve known

graham watts